HNY Board & Staff News

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Sarah G. Carney will lead the organization’s Board of Directors as it enters a new phase of programming, which includes working with populations affected by mass incarceration, and the celebration of the centennial of the 19th Amendment (2020) and the fifty year anniversary of the Stonewall Riots (2019). HNY also continues its grant-making and direct programs that encourage in-person engagement with issues and challenges in our democratic society; all are available to tax-exempt entities in New York State.

Sarah is the founder of Sarah G. Carney LLC. In nearly 28 years she has been providing and producing people-driven, project-based, professional consultation to a wide variety of organizations centered in the humanities. Sarah has served the places and people in her community as an advancement professional, a designer and operator of vast capital campaigns and annual funds, marketing efforts and sales initiatives. Commonly, she and her partners lend trusted advisory to foundations, large and small, and major corporate philanthropists, in addition to a wide array of heritage, cultural, historical and national landmark restoration projects at architectural treasures, museums and major civic centers. In the last decade, her campaigns and company helped raise over $10,000,000 for humanities projects in Western New York.

Sarah holds a BA in History and American Studies from Colby College.

Sarah is a force of nature.  We are so proud to have her on our board, representing Buffalo on the one hand and the non-profit field on the other, where her expertise is prized.  She is a great champion of the humanities,” said HNY’s Executive Director, Sara Ogger.


for serving as Chair in 2017-18. Her terms as Chair were anything but boring, with threats to NEH funding, a new strategic plan, and the growth of the humanities’ role in public life. We look forward to Jean’s continued contributions to the board of HNY.


At the same board meeting, three HNY board members ended their membership after serving three consecutive terms since 2009:

Joan S. Rubin was HNY’s Board Secretary since 2017, serving as the Nominating & Governance Committee Chair before. Joan was instrumental in founding the Humanities Center at the University of Rochester, which now is part of the nine-partner university cohort in HNY’s Humanities Centers Initiative.

Adam W. Perry was HNY’s Vice Chair since 2011. Adam also chaired the Government Relations Committee, which strengthened and created new connections with city, state, and congressional partners.

Hugo Perez served for three terms on the board, bringing his background as an artist and filmmaker to enhance HNY’s friend-raising. In 2016, Hugo also led a trip to Cuba with HNY friends and board members.

Kathleen Neville served on the Board for two terms and has been an active and successful liaison with the Governor’s Office.  She was our representative to the New York State Commission for the Women”s Suffrage Centennial and was instrumental in securing funding to develop our Community Conversations toolkit in 2013.


Through February, Humanities New York is thrilled to have Joseph Murphy join us as Interim Grants Associate, taking over grant responsibilities while Scarlett Rebman is on leave bonding with her new baby girl. Grant applicants usually have more time to gradually get to know the grants team, but in Joe’s case, we figure we’d better tell you everything up front.

Joe Murphy comes to Humanities New York with a background in public programs. In 2016-17, Joe was the Interim Program Director of the Leon Levy Center for Biography at the CUNY Graduate Center, where he oversaw fellowships and public events including a major conference on the art of political biography. From 2010-13, he was an administrator at the Gotham Center for New York City History, where he organized free public events including a two-day event commemorating the centennial of the Triangle Shirtwaist Fire in 2011. He received his Ph.D. and certificate in American Studies from the CUNY Graduate Center in 2016 and his B.A. in History from Temple University in 2004.

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