
Action Grants

Organizations awarded Action Grants creatively employ the tools of the humanities to respond to issues and ideas capturing the imagination and passion of New Yorkers today. Intended for the development and execution of projects, grants facilitate community–building within the communities where they live and work. They are intended to deepen connections, strengthen partnerships, and diversify audiences.


Twice per year


Open March 31, 2025

Grant Amount

Up to $15,000


  • Any tax-exempt organization (non-profit, municipality, Native nation or tribal government) that is based in and serves New York State;
  • Applying organizations must have a UEI (Unique Entity Identifier);
  • Grants can fund up to 50% of a project’s expenses; applicants must be able to cover remaining operating expenses.
  • Each project team must include at least one member with humanities expertise.

Application Requirements:

  • Register and submit materials online through the HNY grant portal;

  • Provide documentation of tax–exempt status; 
  • Provide organization 990 or operating budget;
  • Provide a project narrative demonstrating significant humanities content and plans for engaging the communities served by programming; 
  • Include a project budget that includes demonstration of a minimum 1:1 match of the amount requested.
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In the fall of 2024, Explore Buffalo—a volunteer-driven organization dedicated to promoting Buffalo’s history and architecture—hosted the fifth annual Doors Open Buffalo. This event connected over 5,000 visitors with Buffalo’s distinguished history and extraordinary architectural heritage through free tours of 34 significant downtown buildings, many designed by America’s most celebrated architects.

Additional Documents

Additional details regarding eligibility, requirements, deadlines, budget, and project team members’ qualifications are available upon request. Please contact [email protected] to receive more information. 

Mutual Exclusivity

Each organization is eligible to receive either one Vision Grant and one Action Grant or one Vision Grant and one Quick Grant per calendar year. An organization may hold a Vision Grant simultaneously with an active Quick Grant or Action Grant so long as the Vision Grant is for a separate project.

A drawing depicting a statue gracefully holding a bird in its hand.
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In 2023, Huguenot Historical Society—an organization dedicated to preserving a unique Hudson Valley settlement— hosted their New Netherland Marketplace, 1645. This event allowed over 2,000 visitors to engage with historical re–enactors, providing an interactive and memorable means to learn about life in seventeenth century New Netherland.

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