New York City, NY — Humanities New York (HNY) today announced new grant guidelines designed to distribute funding to New York cultural nonprofits affected by the coronavirus pandemic. Over $1.5 million in funding will be distributed in two rounds of SHARP (Sustaining the Humanities through the American Rescue Plan) grants: HNY SHARP Operating Grants provide up to $20,000 in unrestricted funds to organizations with core humanities missions. HNY SHARP Action Grants offer up to $10,000 for the implementation of humanities projects. Grants will be made in every region in New York.
A grantmaker for nearly 50 years in New York State, HNY is committed to equitable grantmaking and considers geographic diversity and the importance of reaching under-resourced communities in all its funding decisions. The HNY SHARP opportunities will build on the success of last year’s HNY CARES program, which provided $1 million in relief funding to 197 grantees across the state.
“During the pandemic, cultural organizations adapted quickly, offering virtual programming and reopening with safety precautions. SHARP recovery grants will offer institutions the support they need to thrive in the post-pandemic era, ” says Sara Ogger, HNY’s Executive Director.
This new grant opportunity complements the National Endowment for the Humanities’ ARP funding opportunity, which aims to support the recovery of many larger organizations across the country and in New York. The demand for such resources is great–in 2016, the U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis reported that the arts and culture sector contributed $119.9 billion to the NYS economy, representing 7.8% of the state’s GDP and 466,926 jobs.
HNY SHARP Operating Grants may be used flexibly to support the mission of cultural organizations. HNY SHARP Action Grants will fund vital humanities programs that respond to the specific needs and interests of an organization’s audiences and community.
Application guidelines are available on the HNY website. The deadline for SHARP Operating Grants is July 9th, with applicants being informed of funding decisions by September 7th, 2021. The SHARP Action Grant application will open on August 2nd, 2021 with a deadline of October 1st, 2021. HNY staff will offer a free information webinar about the HNY SHARP opportunities on Tuesday, June 15th at 2:00 pm.
Humanities New York: Using dialogue, reflection, and critical thinking, Humanities New York applies the humanities to strengthen democratic society. Founded in 1975, HNY is the sole statewide partner of the National Endowment for the Humanities, and is a private 501(c)(3) that may accept federal, city, and private funds. Visit Humanities New York online at